Graphic pictures - view at own risk.
Gregg injured his hand
Please be warned that these pictures are very graphic
June 7. Doctor is done with me now. 2 more therapy sessions. Most things are fine. Still some numbness. Wearing scar reducing strips from drug store.
June 2. This picture is with flash. Tends to show off the redness some. Looks a lot like last week because of this. Thumb is still pretty weak and has some numbness...
May 24. Smoothing over on palm. Wrist still a little scar ugly. Golf is getting better. Thumb is still pretty weak and thumb has some numbness...
May 18. Coming around. Played 18 today for first time. Back in the swing!
May 9. Main wound closed!. Developed a blister on my scar on my wrist (it broke Saturday May 10). Looks a little bad in this picture, but in general, big improvement this week.
May 2. Slowly but surely. Wound wants to heal and condense, so need to keep stretching it back out.
April 25. Still healing. Trying to keep flexibility and movement as the wound heals and binds together.
April 25. Still healing. Trying to keep flexibility and movement as the wound heals and binds together.
April 18. Feels about the same. Therapy has helped the movement and flexibility though.
April 18. Healing. Doctor had me apply cream that helped reduce the dead skin and scabbing (black stuff)
April 8. It was hard for some, including me, to believe it is me. Proof...
April 8. First therapy appointment, they cut off some of the dead skin. Looking better?
April 2. Hard for me to look at this picture - let alone the real thing.
April 2. After two surgeries to clean it out. Now looks very nasty. Yellow is packing for the wound.
March 26. Red where needle punctured my hand.
March 26. Swelling before third trip to ER